When I heard that Artist Fernando Ferreiro would be presenting his work in Cordova, Spain in May 2016 I just had to blog about it. Ferreiro told me that the director of the exhibition hall of the hotel contacted him through Facebook and offered him the opportunity to exhibit there.
The conditions seemed good and they closed the deal. He was given complete freedom to choose the art so he decided to take this opportunity and show his pictures of curvy women and give a greater voice to this community.
The talented artist wants to make several new drawings during this time focusing more on the body and not just the face of the model, such as “Ana and the Sea ” and “The girl with the wet shirt” which left me speechless when I saw it, the detail is amazing.
His new portraits will include models María Jiménez Pacífico, Denise Bidot, Michelle Rudan and Linda Caffa. I was so curious how he chose his models so I asked him and his answer did not disappoint me…he told me “ they represent the kind of woman I want to capture in my drawings, who are curvy, have natural beauty, charisma, and confidence” of all of his paintings he chose to honor the Curvy Woman and that will surely not be forgotten, by a community that is trying so hard to be noticed and rightfully so.
If you have a chance and are in that area go to the exhibition and support an artist that believes that a curvy woman can be beautiful too!
Marta Rivera is a blogger from Puerto Rico, she is an English professor and a Plus Size advocate on the Island, an Island that is mainly for thin models, but she is trying her best to change that. Marta will be blogging for Curvy Girl on a Budget letting us know everything that is happening in the Plus Size community from fashion to events in Puerto Rico.
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