To Be Honest i was terrified to wear this jacket, the first reason is I’ve often heard if you are plus sized you Cannot wear white. (which is just a stigma people make up) the second reason is somehow no matter how careful i may be, my white outfit will end up with something not so white on it! So i put my big girl panties up and tried it for once, i was quite pleased and surprised I looked great. All that worrying for nothing! LOL Moral of the story is Don’t let your fears stop you from trying something new, if you don’t try it once you don’t know what you may be missing out on…
~Outfit Breakdown~
Jacket: Received as a gift
Blue Shirt: Macy’s $5.00
Jeans: Source of Wisdom Jeans from $25.00
Bracelet’s: From India ,My friend went there on a trip and decided to gift them to me

I think White looks great on you and I like the Blue top. I’ve never heard that rumour about not being able to wear White for plus sized ladies, honestly the things people will make up, just because Black is slimming doesn’t mean the opposite is true. Like any other colour I think it’s more down to skin down and find a shade of a colour that matches it, like with White you gt pure White, Ivory, Magnolia etc.
Thank you 😀 So true i agree!
Hey! I just found your blog. I’m looking forward to your new entries. Anyways, LOVE the top and jeans. I love source of wisdom!
Thank you so much! They are my fav pair lol
I love your blog i definitely will be following you 🙂