All I can say is YASSSS! Finally Elle has listened to it’s plus size consumers and bared all in this Elle Brasil cover, the whole issue was about self-esteem and body love and we couldn’t be happier. Remember this article about Rebel Wilson and all the other plus size cover models experiencing the “Plus size cut” . It looks like they heard our call about body diversity on elle mag and took charge. As much as I love this spread and Plus size Blogger Juliana Romero is stunning, I can only hope that Elle and Magazines alike truly embrace body diversity. Body representation is such an important thing because not one person is the same body type and we all want to be represented in the media.
A magazine that I truly adore and had the pleasure to write for is Volup2, it’s such an important magazine and shows true body diversity. From size 2’s, 16’s , 28’s and more, they accept everyone and show true body representation and how it should be done.
In America today we are constantly bombarded by the media and most teenagers these days spend 5 hours or more a day online consuming this media. It’s important that our girls see that their bodies are good bodies, that not everyone looks the same and that’s OK! Gabby Sidibe said something that had me thinking and I believe it’s so true…
If I get to see myself on screen, then I know that I exist.
~Gabby Sidibe~
Seeing images on magazines or tv etc of only one type of body means that other bodies have become invisible in the mass media. Many girls and young women internalize these stereotypes and judge themselves by the beauty industry standards. This focus on beauty and desirability effectively destroys any awareness and action that might help to change that climate.
Body image is the way you see yourself and imagine how you look. Having a positive body image means that, most of the time, you see yourself accurately, you feel comfortable in your body, and you feel good about the way you look.
Given the serious potential consequences, it is essential that girls and young women develop a critical understanding of the constructed nature of media representations of women’s bodies and the reasons why these images are perpetuated. More importantly, they need to be empowered to challenge these representations and advocate for more realistic representations. (x) For more about Body image and representation check this page out! (x)
What do you think of the Elle Cover? What can we do as a society to make sure ALL bodies are represented equally?

My Name is Violet i am a Fashion/Beauty Blogger I’ve blogged for more than 3years. I’m originally from Brooklyn, New York,i have spent 15 years in South Beach,Florida. I started blogging about Fashion and Beauty, plus events i attend frequently around the USA. As a Plus size or Curvy girl its hard to find nice clothing on a budget. Well at least that’s the case for myself. I Only shop in the clearance rack or when there is a sale i cannot pass up. It is possible to shop for fashionable clothing on a budget. And i’m here to help and give tips on how to achieve this. I want to show that you can still be a Fierce and Fabulous Curvy Gal on a thrift store budget.
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